HRS4R - HR Strategy for Researchers


The European Charter for Researchers:


The European Charter for Researchers is a set of general principles and requirements which specifies the roles, responsibilities and entitlements of researchers as well as of employers and/or funders of researchers. It constitutes a framework for researchers, employers and funders which invites them to act responsibly and as professionals within their working environment, and to recognise each other as such.

The Code of Conduct for the recruitment of researchers consists of a set of general principles and requirements that should be followed by employers and/or funders when appointing or recruiting researchers. These principles and requirements are complementary to those outlined in the European Charter for Researchers. Institutions and employers adhering to the Code of Conduct will openly demonstrate their commitment to act in a responsible and respectable way and to provide fair framework conditions to researchers, with a clear intention to contribute to the advancement of the European Research Area.



About HRS4R



Open, transparent and merit-based recruitment strategy (OTM-R Checklist)



Gap analysis



The action plan



Internal consultation report on HRS4R implementation Governance

Summary of UVT activities that promote excellence in research

  • Continued financial support for articles published in gold open access in WoS red zone (Q1) journals and, within the available budget, in the yellow zone (Q2);
  • Active participation of UVT in the national RO-NOSCI initiative;
  • Information sessions on open science;
  • Encouragement of promoting scientific results affiliated with UVT on social media (FacebookX/TwitterInstagram) and other science popularization methods (e.g., Researchers’ Night).
  • Thematic initiatives such as Green Month 2023, Researchers’ Night 2023, and Researchers’ Marathon
  • In 2023, the West University of Timișoara organized its own science promotion event within the UNight project, implemented in collaboration with the UNITA alliance. The event included seven public meetings with science over four different days, involving more than 65 researchers and over 30 hours of accessible scientific activities for the community.
  • To popularize science, CeCOCe – Vest organized Science Café events in the fields of  Physics and Arts, with special guest researchers with outstanding research careers. These events brought together researchers from the regional scientific community and students, master’s students, and doctoral candidates interested in developing careers in these fields.
  • Implementation of an attractive package to attract teaching and research staff through the START Grant program, which recorded 11 contracts in 2023 and another 5 in the first two months of 2024.
  • The UVT Innovation and Technology Transfer Center (CITT) received accreditation as a ReNITT entity. This center also provides support for researchers in various areas: intellectual property, communication and dissemination of research results, technology transfer, creation of spin-offs and start-ups, and European projects/funding.
  • The Career Counseling and Guidance Center for Researchers – West (CeCOCe) conducted ongoing activities in counseling, mentoring, and coaching for researchers. It also developed the Citizen Science West platform to support participatory science initiatives in the western region.
  • The SupportTM Center conducted workshops and practical sessions to acquire/improve skills in writing Horizon Europe funding applications.
  • Partnership with EIT Deep Tech Initiatives, offering training and professional development for researchers.
  • Games of science An annual event aimed at showcasing the innovative research of young individuals from various fields in a unique competition format. Participants present their research in a concise, clear, and engaging manner, promoting effective scientific communication. The event, conducted as a contest, provides a platform for science enthusiasts to present their work, interact with other researchers, and gain recognition for their innovative efforts. With editions held in multiple cities, Games of Science encourages academic dialogue and knowledge dissemination, with a special emphasis on the practical applicability and social benefits of research.
  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation Network Conference (CRAI) 2023 – The goal of this event was to bring together Innovation and Technology Transfer Centers from universities in Romania, Student Entrepreneurial Societies, the community of Fulbright Scholars alumni, and actors from Romania’s startup and innovation ecosystem. The mission was to outline a common action plan for innovation and technology transfer, as well as for student entrepreneurial societies, to strengthen the role of universities in the smart and sustainable specialization of Romania.
  • Innovation and Tech Transfer week – a knowledge and idea exchange marathon, bringing together the academic community, researchers, students, and socio-economic partners around essential topics for technology transfer and innovation. Each day of the week was dedicated to a main topic, with special guests sharing their valuable experiences and knowledge:
    • Open innovation and living labs – special guest Andrei Son (Continental).
    • Sustainable development and sustainable innovation – special guests Andreea Nicolae (PIVOT-C) and Mircea Stoian (FEPRA).
    • Intellectual property rights and valorization of RDI results – special guests Nicoleta Cherciu (Cherciu&CO) and Marius Niculae (ADR Vest).
    • Promoting science for increasing social acceptance – special guests Corina Negrea (Radio Romania Cultural) and Marius Matache (University of Bucharest).
    • Collaboration opportunities between academia and the socio-economic environment, with a focus on European RDI projects – special guests Elena Ungureanu (UEFISCDI) and Corina Georgeta Barna (USVT).
  • Student visits to the Advanced Environmental Research Institute to promote research careers.